Musée d'art moderne Grand-Duc Jean

3, Park Dräi Eechelen/ L-1499 Luxembourg / T (+352) 45 37 85 1/ /
Heures d’ouverture:tous les jours de 11h00 -  18h00 / nocturne le mercredi jusqu’à 20h00 / fermé le mardi

Susanne Lafont
du 16 mars au 30 mai 2011.

Suzanne Lafont’s room-size grid of coloured panels entitled Situation Comedy takes as its starting point the 1971 booklet Manipulating the Self: A Borderline Case, a small black-and-white publication produced by the Toronto-based art trio General Idea. For Manipulating the Self, the artists first issued a call for photographs whereby respondents were asked to follow these precise instructions: ‘The hand is a mirror for the mind - wrap your arm over your head, lodging your elbow behind and grabbing your chin with your hand.’ The mailer promised that in this contorted position the sitter would become ‘object and subject, viewed and voyeur.’ At the next stage, a booklet was produced featuring 115 ‘image situations’ of the prescribed gesture, 99 of which were identified by the name or initials of the performer. Finally, in 1973, the mailer and booklet gave rise to a poster, whose publisher suggested changing the title to Manipulating the Scene - a modification welcomed by General Idea.

Commissaire d'exposition: Paul diFelice