Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain

Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain

41, Rue Notre Dame L-2240 Luxembourg

Tél : (+352) 22 50 45 Lu, Mer, Ven 11h00 - 19h00, Je 11h00 - 20h00
 Sam / Dim / jours fériés 11h00 - 18h00 fermé le Mardi;

Bodies of Identities

As part of the 9th European Month of Photography, with the theme of Rethinking Identity, the Casino Luxembourg Art Forum is showing an exhibition called “Bodies of Identities” that explores the complex questions around identity in contemporary society. Nowadays, identity issues ̵...
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Tills: Raphaël Lecoquierre

French artist living and working in Brussels, Raphaël Lecoquierre (born in 1988) develops a practice intimately linked to the photographic image, both its specific material properties and its suggestive power, which he manipulates with the help of experiments and unique processes. Begun in 2010,...
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