Centre culturel portugais - Camões

Centre culturel portugais - Camões

Centre culturel portugais Luxembourg - Camões 4, Place Joseph Thorn L-2637 Luxemburg Tel: (00 352) 46 33 71 1 Lun - Ven : 9h00 - 17h30


Alma pintada: Paulo Lobo

I have been photographing the Portuguese of Luxembourg for nearly twenty years, in the public space, in cafés and during popular festivals, picturing parades, café atmosphere or intimate moments of daily life most of the time in a casual way. I enjoy to watch my fellow citizens with a compassionate eye and amused detachment at the same time . My focus is set primarily on individuals and I try to capture their moments of grace, joy or “ gravity “ while being aware at the same time of the stereotypes and clichés associated with the Portuguese-speaking community of Luxembourg.
I have always been fascinated by self-representation and the question of how individuals picture themselves, what role they play, what costumes they wear, what make-up they use, and what smiles they put on.
Why do individuals hold onto the traditions of their homeland and perform in the streets of their host country? How can one distinguish between appearance and reality of beings? What is revealed when the mask is dropped?
These images are central to my reflection on the existence of immigrants being myself the son of an immigrant and they are witness of the impact this community has on society in Luxembourg, its development and future.