Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain

Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain

41, Rue Notre Dame L-2240 Luxembourg

Tél : (+352) 22 50 45 Lu, Mer, Ven 11h00 - 19h00, Je 11h00 - 20h00
 Sam / Dim / jours fériés 11h00 - 18h00 fermé le Mardi;

Memory Lab IV – photography challenges history : Transit

In his film project Home to go, Adrian Paci has inspired himself from his personal experience to deal with collective history in projects that highlight the consequences of conflicts and social revolutions, revealing how identity is conditioned by the socio-economic context. In 1997, Adrian Paci e...
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M+M – seven days

The artists duo M+M (Marc Weis and Martin De Mattia) mark the conclusion of their video cycle 7 Tage (7 Days) with the eponymous exhibition at Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain. The series of seven film installations began in 2009 and the films were created one after the other over ...
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