Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain

Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain

41, Rue Notre Dame L-2240 Luxembourg

Tél : (+352) 22 50 45 Lu, Mer, Ven 11h00 - 19h00, Je 11h00 - 20h00
 Sam / Dim / jours fériés 11h00 - 18h00 fermé le Mardi;

Rethinking Nature slide show program

As part of their international collaboration, the photo festivals FOTO WIEN, EMoP Luxembourg, FetArt-Circulation Paris and IMAGO LISBOA present a slide show of photos on the theme of “Rethinking Nature”.
Among the 168 submissions from 74 countries, the works of around 110 artists were selected, edited and arranged for the “Rethinking Nature” slideshow. The participating photographers and artists are proof that the photographic medium plays a special role in the effort to understand the current relationship between man and nature. The “Rethinking Nature” slideshow combines a wide variety of observations of nature that illustrate, filter and provide an analysis of the ambivalence that exists in our understanding of nature today. On the one hand, nature is seen as a place of peace and desire, on the other as subject to destruction and increased exploitation.

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Daphné LeSergent- Silver Memories

Daphnée Le Sergent, Extractive #1 Daphné Le Sergent is a French artist of Korean origin. Her project Silver Memories is a multi-media show which combines photography, drawing and video. Starting from the hypothesis that silver ore is becoming scarce, she constructs a hybrid art...
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