Centre d'art Dominique Lang

Centre d'art Dominique Lang

Du mercredi au dimanche: 15h00 - 19h00.


mike zennari: humains

The photos produced by artificial intelligence are a fusion of data, algorithms, and automated learning. The algorithm is fed with a large amount of photographic data, from which it learns to reproduce a visual style. Several images are then combined into one. The machine then learns to manipulat...
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Elshan Rozafa

Rozafa Elshan, Synthèse d’une excursion Within the 8th European Month of Photography in Luxembourg (EMoPLux), the Centre d’art of the city of Dudelange and the Centre National de l’Audiovisuel (CNA) are joining forces to present the three monographic exhibitions by Marie Capesiu...
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False positives: Esther Hovers

The project False Positives is about intelligent surveillance systems. These are camera’s that are able to detect deviant behaviour within public space. False Positives is set around the question of normal behaviour. It aims to raise this question by basing the project on eight different ‘anom...
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