mike zennari: humains
The photos produced by artificial intelligence are a fusion of data, algorithms, and automated learning. The algorithm is fed with a large amount of photographic data, from which it learns to reproduce a visual style. Several images are then combined into one. The machine then learns to manipulate light, shadow, colour and contrast to produce portraits that resemble real people. At first glance, these AI-generated portraits can hardly be distinguished from reality portraits. Nevertheless, although algorithms can produce very realistic and visually appealing images, they fail to capture the emotional complexity of a real person. They lack the depth that comes from human interaction.
This show exhibits computer-generated images originating in photoshootings of real persons all vary different. These are people I have met with the specific purpose of photographing them for this exhibition or through chance encounters. For me, the possibility of distinction between fiction and reality is based on brief, intimate, human interactions that are an integral part of photography. Automatically generated images are certainly fascinating, but they cannot compete with real person’s true identity.
Mike Zennari