Archives nationales de Luxembourg

Archives nationales de Luxembourg

Plateau du Saint-Esprit, Luxembourg

tél.: (+352) 24 78 66 60 Lun - Ven : 8h30 - 17h30 Sam : 8h30 - 11h30

Luxemburg’s Beer Culture

Koltz Beryl

Beer brewing is well in the tradition of Luxembourg and during the second half of the 19th century, the country recorded a real boom.
Originally, beer was even considered to be part of daily food consumption and so it can be assumed that the role of this drink today is not limited to consumption “for pleasure”.
On the contrary, beer is an indispensable part of social life and plays an important role in many aspects of everyday life.
Luxembourg’s relationship to “their” beer can be observed economically, socially and culturally.
Moreover, some economic and social developments in the country are related to the evolution of the beer industry and both interact with each other.
The exhibition “Onse Béier (Our beer)” describes these developments starting from the industrial revolution until today and illustrates them through numerous documents and historical objects.
On the occasion of the European Photography Month the National Archives show, in addition to an exhibition of photographs, paintings on the same subject. The photos are part of the Archives’ collection or belong to the collection of the CNA ( Centre national de l’audiovisuel)