Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean (Mudam)

Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean (Mudam)

3, Park Dräi Eechelen L-1499 Luxbg-Kirchberg

Tel.: (+352) 45 37 85 1 Mer - Ven: 11h00 - 20h00 Sam - Lu: 11h00 - 18h00 jours fériés: 11h00 - 18h00 fermé le mardi

Subjects of Life; photography in the Mudam collection

Guest curator

As part of the ongoing series of presentations dedicated to the Mudam Collection, Subjects of Life highlights a selection of emblematic artworks from the museum’s collection of photography. This selection encourages a reflection on the medium through questions of representation and the effects of the image on our perception of reality, notions of territory, and the represented subject. Including works by twelve artists from Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North America, the presentation also underscores the varying approaches to photography within the broader scope of contemporary art practice.

Bernd & Hilla Becher, Valérie Belin, Sophie Calle, Roland Fischer, Nan Goldin, Shirin Neshat, Martin Parr, Pasha Rafiy, Mitra Tabrizian, Wolfgang Tillmans, Kyoichi Tsuzuki