Villa Vauban Musée d'art de la Ville de Luxembourg

Villa Vauban Musée d'art de la Ville de Luxembourg

18, Avenue Emile Reuter L-2420 Luxembourg

Tél : (+352) 47 96 45 52 Lu / Mer / Je / Sam / Dim: 10h00 - 18h00 Ven: 10h00 - 21h00, fermé le Mardi

Dominique Auerbacher, Holger Trülzsch

Trülzsch / Auerbacher, Les Paysages du Kairos

The garden and the park are perhaps the last sanctuaries which allow us to reflect on nature as a “cultural” expression of the landscape. In the garden of the Vauban Museum, our installation of images and texts is organized around three spots which – located within the circle of the central lawn – form a triangle. Moving around in a circle seems appropriate for reflection, for meditation; for example in the park of Ermenonville, the path (partially receded today) going around the lake where the cenotaph of Jean-Jacques Rousseau is located, also continued in front of the ruins of the temple, the house of the philosopher, the tomb of the unknown poet and the pyramid.
“It is therefore neither as an architect, nor as a gardener, but as a poet and painter that landscapes must be composed, in order to draw the attention of both the eye and the mind”. This quote is from Rousseau’s friend René-Louis de Girardin, Lord of Ermenonville and creator of these gardens.